
honey, everyone does.

Navigations are at the top ,Click on e words " what i've been looking for all this time"

Whatz up: {Hi switheartz, u r going 2 read 1/4 of my lifestory..}it may not be a great story to read..but it comes frm e Heart..
Itz true...

signing off- maya

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

wat a beautiful sight..here i m sitting down alone..reflecting wats in store for me in e near future..
no one may understand e plight dat we face every single day..
sumtymes i fil blessed wif wat i hav..
other tymes i fil restless..
When i tink how many people dere r in dis world, i realize dat my own problems r just a drop in the bucket..
i always tot dat when sumting hapen, dis is a blessing in disguise..
perhaps rite now i havent found e real me..
but who noes,dere is sumting wonderful waiting 4 me..
which i hav 2 b patient & continue praying..
he is 1 of my strength 4 me 2 move on in lyfe..though evrytyme we r lyke 'fire vs fire', i've tried my best 2 b e 'water' which can cool his 'hot' temperature off..i believed dat evry cloud has a silver lining..
frm our relationship, i fil blessed cos even though we argued alot, he was e 1 who taught me how 2 apreciate luv, sacrifices, b thankful of wat we hv & always b strong..
yup,absence makes e heart grow fonder..

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hepi Wedding..Kak Mimi & Abg B...
~pics during e nikah..~

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

laz but not lis..Dini Boncit!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007

OMG..Aliff e 'whisperer' won Anugerah 07!! yea,makcik2/minah2/ judges vote 4 Allif cos he's got e 'pretty-boy' look...Suare tklar sesedap mane pon..wats make him 2 b e winner simply bcos: stage presentation & looks..Datz it!

i stil choose Taufik!! he've got e voice & looks ( a complete package 2 bcome a star..)..

jgn jealous k bang..juz a humble compliment 2 my idol!!

i stil cant blieve he won???( not being sarcastic but itz not fair..Truly..)

always be my idol...Luv his voice..!

Beautiful Ending- Meninggal Ketika Sujud Di Masjid Nabawi.

i received dis pic frm my cuzzin in Riyadh..isnt it blessed to pass away in dis situation..Insyaallah, Amin..may dis be an example to all of us.. Wallahualam..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

yup...gotta call frm Zahira dat she's getting engaged wif Khai..WOW!! i'm hepi 4 dem..flashed back during Racial Harmony 2001 when we were in Sec5..Khai & Ira became the 'Hindi' couple preparing 2 get married b4 e fire..Ahakz..wif Mr Lim bz wif his videocam, Sanjay became e 'tok sami boncit', Sri & Suzy were e 'usher', tukang rengis2 air!! hahahahaha..den Abg's class was nxt door,kepo seeing watz wif e commotion took place in our class..cos their class was doing 'Hawaiian'..?
niwae im hepi dat at laz Sri gets wat she wants: to be an air-stewardess.. wif Silkair..see, in 1 day i got 2 gd news frm my fwens..nope, in fact 3 cos Abg won his takraw game & he says he cn perform well..so wat i hav 2 say now is : ALHAMDULLILAH!! semue org2 yg ku syg/ingat dpt pe yg mereka impikan slame nie..

Raye 05 wif Wan,Sri, Ira, Khai, Abg & me..at my house..

Saturday, July 7, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007

hey look at e vid below..itz my fwen,eye-nul! it was abt 3yrs ago during our ITE tymes..she sang at 1 of e skool function which i cant remember.. i was watching e vid where suddenly i saw myself tooo & nurun!!! malunyer..enter frame jek..kalo 1st part jek tkpe..tgh2,nk abis vid pon ade..glamour kjap!! *ahakz*!

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007

juz a gentle reminder 2 all chocolate lovers lyke me..
below r all e Masterfood Company Chocolate Products (Mars) which r no longer Halal!!
They started using Animal product rennet in it for products that have expiry date after 1 st of October 2007.
boohooo..wat a waste..frm now on, i hv to see the labels correctly b4 i indulge the goooodnez of coklat!

Bounty ?
Celebrations ?
Dove Chocolate ?
Maltesers ?
M&M's ?
Mars Bar ?
Mars Delight ?
Milky Way ?
Skittles ?
Twix ?

p/s: Plz 4wad e msg 2 ur frenz esp chocoholics lyke me!!

Monday, July 2, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007

Tears streaming down my face
In yet another fight
The same old thing over and over
But yet the words hurt every time
I'm stupid
There's something wrong with me
The same words every time
And at that point they seem so true
I'm always doing something wrong
Those are the only things that get noticed
But when I do something right
It just doesn't matter
Its doesn't matter what I've done
It all goes back to the same old things
And no matter how hard I try
The stuff I do wrong is all that is noticed
I'm sick of the fighting
Can't take anymore
All of this crying
Sometimes I just wish I was dead!

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007

went to National Stadium..
yestrdy was e official closing 4 e stadium..
a bit sad cos datz where i watched NDP for few years straight wif my families & frens..
so we went dere wif wan & roslinda..
didnt took alot of pics though cos we were concentrating on the soccermatch btwn S'pore & Austalia ..
fun lar..especiali dere's dis man merepek sey..cant stand him..he wore the Lion shirt but supported e Aussie..dah kene lar tu!

Letz 'head-banging'!

wif Roslinda..

Wan & Ros..

uke amek gambar?

step sedih konon..stadium nk pecah!

laz pic taken at e top of stadium..cant see e massive dancefloor below?