Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yo watz up luvz?? itz been a week since i laz go-blog..i tink i was plain lazee 2 update my blog ler..reali..
niwae laz wkend,me,dear,huda & frenz went to KKH cos dere's dis event---President Challenge Healthcare Charity Run----we were supposed 2 run all e game stallz..quite happening although itz super tiRing...mcm2 org ku jumpe..dari yg kiasu sampai ler si 'suTun'!!! melayan budak2 nie(team 'Meeerage'--wat dat stupid Chris says---) leh uat dgn aku skali 'giler'..we clique wif every1 on dat day veri well..seriously but i cant 4get dat cheerleading grp sak..'SUTUN' abis..!!!
ahakz.. :o)
ok, enuf blogging..niwae 'HEPI 23rd B'DAY TO SRI!! 28/08/07'..hope u success in ur flying career ya..hehehehe..
Picz all e way during e event..
posing wif our Flower belonz..
presenting e cRazEeee ppls!!
eh2 sukenyer Mok..dpt menyelit tgh2..Uke??
deAr was lyke 'Emo' while Huda & gang took e pic..i purposely xtend e zoom so dat i can let u all c wat my dear actuali doing at e back..Haha!!
---Peace no matter wat hapen in lyfe,dun regret..Smile---
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
e best feeling dat i hv 2nite----conFuse!!!
reali dunno watz goin thru my mind..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
do u noe dat we spent 2035 days 2gether?? amazing rite?
i tot i juz gave ourselves 90 days 2 prove how far we cud go..
but u hv proven me wrong..
yup thru ups & downs we've been 2gether..
so much laugher, cries, grudges etc..
nah,itz ok..
watz important is u'll nvr fil bored wif my jokez,my naggingz,
my blurness, my sleepy mode(as always) etc..
thx Dear..
u r 4eva my 'Mok' lar!!
gua caya sama lu!!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
hepi bday Harith Gendut!!!!
yup,a small celebration yet superbly hyper-entertaining cos it was once in a full moon my Busu decided 2 make a bday party 4 her son..niwae food was nice..esp my crispy chicken (promote sak! heheehee ).. xcept Huda was nt dere..she had dis dikir thingy at Taman Warisan..itz ok siz, i ate on ur behalf oreadi..Kenyang sgt,Ergh!! alhamdulillah..Thx dear 4 e treat..syg ur bday falls on fasting mth..kalo tk dh leh melantak piza agi ye???
nielah bday boy nyer..'sihat' btol adek sedare ku nie... blowing e candles...e gurl looks lyke Dini eh??hmmm.. but actuali she's Kiki..
me n Angah..lucky 4 me my other Kepo siz is not ard! Ahakz:o)
wif my loving Mom & bro..Aki..
my Kuzzens,Ijal & Ina; me & Angah..
okie dokies,gtg now..tata-titi-tutu!! Luv u all,world peace! Yeah!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Hepi b'day 'Chicha Por'..ahakzz!!!
(blame those China menz behind me!!)
niwae went 2 esplanade to watch e fireworks..
(Semangat mesti ader beb!)
so many kiasu ppls around dat somehow i 'siku' a bangla!! (ambek ko!! padan muker *hehehehe- BIGGEST Grin :o)*)
a quick smile b4 we went back home...Cheeezzzzeee!!!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
a day spent at Sentosa..
itz hawt weather though..
i tot it wil be a nice getaway for us 2 chill/picnic out..
but having fun wif Dear..spent half a day dere..b4 heading home, we went 2 VivoCity 2 hav a quick bite..
so starving!!!!
yup! we had NewYork Pizza..aftr quite sumtyme..
tell u, i do lyke it!!!! (opps..we lyke it!!!)
Yummy!!! nak agi leh???
picz of wat we did in bus 188 on our way home..( itz all candid instructions needed..amcm dua2 leh jadi model tk??)